Boost Immunity Power Fast Against COVID-19- Here are 10 Life-Changing Ways

The immune system, the warrior in our body that protects us from germs and diseases, day in and day out. Obviously, this warrior needs to stay strong. A strong immune system is an absolute necessity for a healthy body. And now that we are going through the Covid-19 pandemic, it is even more vital to improve the immune system and keep it strong.

So with this, I am here to tell you about some simple yet effective life-changing things to strengthen the immune system and boost your immunity power.

1. Beauty sleep is not just for beauty.
Yes, you read it right. Having a good and sound sleep for at least 7 hours a day is extremely important to build a strong immune system. Immunity power and sleep are more closely linked than you think.

When you are sleeping, the body produces and circulates cytokines and T-cells, both of which play a chief role in boosting immunity power. Cytokines are a type of proteins which protect the body and fight or promote inflammation to prevent any further damage to the surrounding cells and tissue after an injury or infection. And T-cells play a major role in the immune response of the body. They are a type of white cells.

sleeping benefits for immunity

A study published by the Behavioral Sleep Medicine showed that when a group of young healthy individuals who were not getting enough sleep were compared with young healthy individuals sleeping for 6 to 7 hours every night, the latter had a better immune response and had a strong immune system. The first group, on the other hand, was more prone to develop flu even after getting vaccinated.

So, if you want to strengthen your immune system, hit your pillow at the right time every night and make sure you get a good quality sleep for 6 to 7 hours.

2. Eat your vitamins.

Eating good healthy food is always good for the body. A balanced diet will not only provide the needed nourishment to the body but will also keep diseases away. The warrior in our body, our immune system, also needs nourishment to stay strong and fight infections and vitamins come into play here.

vitamins for immunity

Vitamins are of paramount importance to build a strong immune system and strengthen the immune system. The most important vitamins for the immune system are Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin E.

Vitamin C is found in all kind of citrus foods like lemons, oranges and Indian gooseberries. And it is not just essential for boosting immunity; it even helps in collagen production. So, not only will your immunity get boosted, you will get finer skin too.

Vitamin B6 is important for some key biochemical reactions for boosting immunity. It is mostly found in chicken, cold-water fish and also green vegetables. Hummus, made from chickpeas is one of the richest sources of Vitamin B6.

Vitamin E, the good old antioxidant is known to fight off infection and prevent cancer. This is mostly found in nuts and spinach.
Taking multivitamin supplements is always a good option. Not only will you get a stronger immunity but all the essential nutrients will also reach your body. But make sure to consult a doctor before consuming vitamin supplements.

3. Exercise

The benefits of exercising regularly are innumerable. And we are aware of most of them. But you might be surprised to know that exercising regularly also helps to strengthen the immune system.
When you exercise, the blood circulation in the body increases, which helps in maintaining a steady circulation of antibody cells throughout the system. Many studies have highlighted that exercising out in the open is of even more beneficial for the immune system and boosts immunity much more.
Also, we all know that exposure to the sun is essential to boost Vitamin D in our bodies, which in turn has a pivotal role in building the immune system.

4. Garlic fights infections and not just vampires.

Smiling? Well, it is true! We’ve grown up reading and watching stories where garlic wards off vampires. But this herb is very good for boosting immunity too.

garlic for immunity

One clove of garlic has about 5mg of calcium in it, 12 mg of potassium and approximately 100 sulfuric compounds, which is more than enough to kill bacteria and fight infections.
Many clinical trials have even shown that garlic can lower blood pressure, cholesterol and kill the parasites in the body. And raw garlic has the maximum benefits as compared to cooked one in improving immunity.

5. Include whole plant foods

Whole plant foods such as fruits, vegetables and legumes are naturally rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are known to fight infections and decrease inflammation by removing free radicals from our systems.

food for immunity

The fiber that we get from whole plant food helps to maintain the good bacteria in the gut which are also responsible for boosting immunity. So, the more whole plant foods you consume better are your chances to fight germs and diseases!

6. Moderate alcohol consumption

Excess of nothing is good, ever. And this applies to alcohol too. Many of us enjoy a few good drinks every now and then with our friends. But drinking too much alcohol can harm the immune system and become an obstacle in strengthening immunity.

Several studies published in the Journal of Alcohol Research have corroborated this finding and went on further to reveal that people who drank alcohol excessively were more prone to develop pneumonia, liver diseases and cancer. So, the next time you pour yourself a drink, keep a check on it.

7. Stay away from cigarettes

Cigarettes are the enemy of a strong immune system, just like alcohol. Toxins released by cigarettes can weaken the immune system. Harmful chemicals like carbon monoxide, nicotine, cadmium etc are known to hamper the growth and proper functioning of the cells in the immune system, like the T and B cells and cytokines.

quit smoking for immunity


8. Stress stresses the immune system

Stress is never good for the body as well as the mind! Period. Stress suppresses the immune system and can even weaken it over a long period of time.

Acute stress or short term stress is associated with decreasing certain important functions of the immune system. And chronic or long term stress can be harmful to the extent that it can suppress the formation of immunity cells in the body.

To read more about how stress can harm the immune system, click on. So stay clear of stress and relax your mind whenever possible. A happy person is a healthy person!

9. Eat yoghurt

Yoghurt is a common part of our meals. It tastes amazing, has a cooling effect on the body and has some impressive health benefits too. A win-win!

Yoghurt is made from fermented milk and fermented milk is quite rich in Lactobacillus. Lactobacillus, a bacteria, is responsible for maintaining gut health and fights gut infections. In fact, it is even anticarcinogen.

Probiotics have become popular recently because of the immunity-boosting effects. Yoghurt is basically is a natural robotic.

yogurt for immunity

In a clinical trial conducted on humans, it was seen that upon consumption of yoghurt daily, the frequency of catching colds was remarkably reduced in the elderly as compared to the ones who did not consume yoghurt. So, make sure you to fill up a bowl of yoghurt for your next meal!

10. Drink the right drinks

Alcohol is forbidden if you wish to improve the immune system and build immunity. But fear not, there are other drinks that you can enjoy that will not only taste great but will also boost immunity. Some of these drinks are turmeric tea, immunity-boosting green juice, turmeric milk, to name a few.

juices for immunity

The spices and herbs that are added in these drinks are famous for strengthening the immune system.   And the best part is that these herbs for building immunity are easily found in our kitchens. Click here to learn the recipes of some great drinks to boost immunity.

Covid-19 pandemic or not, having a strong immune system and maintaining hygiene is a requisite for a healthy and long life. These simple yet effective ways will take you a long way and you will be surprised to see how your health improves by making these small life-changing modifications in your daily routine.  Your health is in your hands. So indulge in some self TLC and look after your body.

“Our body is our gardens- our wills, our gardeners”                                                          William Shakespeare.

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