I already said that the Coronil tablet can boost our immunity power very fast. So, if you are coronavirus negative, you can take the Coronil tablet in the same manner but the quantity should be two tablets each time. This will boost your Immunity power and prevent you from the Coronavirus and other diseases too.
You can also take Giloy, Ashwagandha, Tulsi Ghan Vati Two Tablets daily. Also, you can drink milk with Turmeric powder or Shilajit or Chawanprush to keep your immunity power boosted.
So, as we can see that the Corona Kit is really useful for both Corona Positive and Corona Negative Cases according to the Patanjali Ayurveda. If everything goes in a good way if the Indian Govt. allows that kit for treatment and prevention of the Coronavirus disease, the black shadow of the virus will be removed soon.
Very helpful information
Thanks a Lot.
I would like to disagree with a lot of information given here. It has clearly stated by the ICMR as well as admitted by Patanjali itself that Coronil is nothing but just an immunity booster. Infact, Patanjali could not even produce any proof of the trials conducted. A lot of misleading information. Please research well before writing articles on such important topics.