Six Life-changing Ways You Can Use This Covid-19 Pandemic and Lockdown to Reinvent Yourself.

I would have finished that book, if only I had some extra time. I would have started that intense workout routine, had my tight schedule allowed it. 

Sounds familiar? Haven’t we all had some or the other ‘to do’ thing in our bucket list, that we wish we could do if we had some spare time to ourselves? If only an hour of personal time, out of the entire day, was available to us. 

Now that almost the entire population is inside their homes because of the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown, not just an hour, but the entire day is available for us. With the entire world coming to a standstill, all of us have been forced to change our lifestyles and adapt to new ones. Work from home is kind of the new norm these days and with a lot of hours available, this is the best time to start doing those things that were always wrapped under the ‘if only’ blanket previously. So, here are some of the best ways to reinvent yourself in this time of crisis, and utilize it to the best of its and our own potential.

1. Declutter –


When was the last time you wore that shirt which has been lying at the back of your drawer? Or when was the last time you played that CD? We all have junk lying in our homes that has not seen the light of the day since ages. And it is not going to do so anytime soon. 

These flotsam and jetsam are just occupying space and collecting dust. So why not sell it off, recycle it, or donate it. Clean out space and you’ll be surprised to see how positive you feel. And if you’re up to it, maybe you can even redecorate and reorganize your room with the newly available space and recycled bits! 

2. Start a new workout routine – 

Whether or not you are a gym person, or even if you have never had a proper workout schedule, by now we all know how important it is for us to keep ourselves physically active. Because of the ‘work from home’, ‘study from home’ regime, we are mostly sitting with our laptops and computers. And this means minimum to almost no physical work. This combined with the frequent snacking is making the scales on the weighing machine go crazy. So, why not take things back in control and start exercising. The abs and ideal weight that you’ve been wishing for since forever is just a click away. 

There are so many fitness apps available on the net with some great routines. Just chose one for yourself, and start working out religiously. Treating your body well is indispensable! With a fit body and a relaxed mind, soon you will be able to achieve a lot more than before. 

3. Meditate –


A famous quote by David Lynch says, “The thing about meditation is: You become more and more you.”

 A calm mind and control over your thoughts is the basic necessity to succeed in life. And meditation is the best way to achieve this. Meditation not just kicks stress out of your lives, it has so many other benefits too. Click here to know more. 

Now, some of you may find meditation a boring thing and some of you might even say that you tried, but could not quieten your mind. Well, good things take time! You might not be able to do it the right way
initially, but it will come to you. Just don’t give up too soon. It takes practice and dedication to master anything.

 So, find your favourite spot in your home and give meditation a try. If you are thinking about how to start meditating? Click on this link and learn about it.

4. Rediscover your inner talent

We all have seen movies and shows in which the main protagonist gave up their boring jobs, started doing what they loved the most and became successful. Such stories have been inspiring us for so long, but not all of us can afford to quit our jobs, right? But now, with so much time in hand, this is the best time to polish your hidden talents.

Maybe it’s painting, photography, gardening, cooking, singing; dancing or whatever you wish to do, pull yourself out of your beds and start doing it. Try new recipes and different cuisines. Sit in your balcony and paint the view. Make a dance tutorial and start your own YouTube channel. Who knows, maybe it is the thing you were always meant to do. And if not, it is good to have a passion for something different, to help lighten up our minds every now and then. All it needs is the first step to be taken!

5. Start writing –

“The art of writing is the art of discovering what you believe”, Gustave Flaubert.

 You can write anything. A short story, a novel, or even your very own blog. Now, it is not necessary that your first writing venture will turn out to be something like a Stephen King’s or Nicholas Sparks’, but try it anyway. Every writer started with something.

You can even write a journal.

 One of the best ways to rediscover yourself is to understand your own thought process and writing a journal is an incredible way of doing so. Penning your own thoughts down will give you an astounding sense of clarity and make you understand yourself much better. 

You can even pen down your vision and plans for the future, which will help you to see them with much finer transparency. So, think with your fingers and let the words flow, people!

6. Learn something new –

This is the best time to learn a new thing. Be it a new language or a new skill, this is the greatest time to involve yourself in it. You won’t even have to go somewhere else for this; e-learning is your friend here. Sign up for a new online class that is teaching something that you fancy. You’ll not only be adding on to your abilities, you’ll also be giving yourself something new to do. And, you never know, when this newly learned skill might come handy!

This time is not going to come back, and we all hope it never does! Even though this is a global crisis, it has made us all pause and given us an opportunity to reflect upon life. This gruesome situation is trying and testing us but we humans are known to adapt. We all have two options now, to procrastinate like always, or to get up, reset and reinvent ourselves. The choice is yours. Chose wisely!

“Even catastrophe can hand us exactly what we need to awaken into who we truly are” – Elizabeth Lesser

Now all the above sections are about my opinions. How did you like these ideas? Also, I would like to hear from you about your opinion. Please let me know by leaving a comment. Thank you.

Please Stay Home in this lockdown, stay safe and let others be safe from the Covid-19.

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7 thoughts on “Six Life-changing Ways You Can Use This Covid-19 Pandemic and Lockdown to Reinvent Yourself.”

  1. I just read your amazing article. It’s well written and contained sound and have many practical advices.You pointed out several things that I will remember and going to follow in next up coming days in this pandemic period . I look forward to reading your next informative work. Thank you.


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