10 Easy Ways to Boost Metabolism to Very High Level for Lifetime

Are you wondering how to improve or boost your metabolism faster? So, let us know what metabolism is.
Science defines metabolism as the total of the entire chemical reactions that occur in the human body on a daily basis.

In simple layman terms, it is basically the rate at which a person’s body burns the consumed calories so as to provide energy to the body. And this rate of calorie burn up is controlled by a variety of factors, age, sex, genetics, level of being active, to name some. Everyone has different metabolism rates. Some of us have bodies with a tendency to burn calories faster and some that burn them slower. Now, the genetic factor is not under our control, but there are other ways by which we can increase our metabolism, and bid goodbye to the calorie consumption stress for good.

So grab your notepads and make notes to boost metabolism.

1. Hydrate-
We keep hearing how drinking at least ten glasses of water daily will give you clear skin and flush out all toxins from your system. But did you know that drinking plenty of water can boost our metabolism and burn fat too? Well, yes. Drinking water is the easiest way to improve your metabolism.
A study done from the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism conducted a research on the effects of drinking water on metabolism and found that the metabolism of the participants increased to a whopping 30% when they drank more than 1.7 liters of water every day.!
So, fill up your tumblers and keep yourself hydrated to give your metabolism a push.

2. Go Nuts for Nuts-
Nuts are rich in monosaturated fatty acids – which are the good guys of fatty acids and magnesium. Magnesium helps in weight loss and also controls diabetes. Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health did a study for 30 years and found that the participants who ate a handful of nuts daily were leaner than the people who did not.

Nuts are also rich in antioxidants. And because of this, they help in burning belly fat and protect the body from various metabolic disorders too. Stock up on almonds, cashews, walnuts, and other nuts and eat a handful daily.

3. Workout and Increase Muscle Mass –
The more active you stay, the faster your metabolism will be.  All kinds of exercises, be it aerobics, Zumba, jogging, etc, burn calories. Pushing your body a bit more will amp up your calorie-burning rate even more.  You can make it even more challenging for yourself and try some HIIT.

Lifting weights is an excellent option too. Our muscles use up more calories. So building a right muscle mass and working on them will fasten up your metabolism increment and give you a healthy and fit body.

4. Love Them Proteins –
Proteins help in building muscle mass and prevent metabolism from slowing. Studies have shown that proteins enhance the metabolic parameters and help in maintaining weight. Researchers from all over the world have found out that eating proteins can increase the post-meal metabolic rate by almost 5%.
Proteins release the satiety hormone, which makes your stomach feel more filled. They are an excellent tool for weight reduction and are a bounty source of energy for the body.

Some protein-rich foods that you can include in your diet are:
1. Eggs, 2. Beans, 3. Chicken breast, 4. Cottage cheese

5. Eat Foods Rich in Fiber –
Fiber is the most challenging element in the diet for the body to break down and digest. Digesting fiber utilizes the maximum energy of the body, ultimately burning more calories.

A 2017 study form the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that the people who consumed more fiber in their diet had an increased metabolic rate of burning 92 calories per day as compared to the control group.
So, make sure next time when you plate up your meal, you include some fiber-rich foods in it. Click on the link to read about some high fiber-rich superfoods.

6. Have a good night’s sleep-
Hormones in the body play a significant role in keeping your body healthy and disease-free. The moment your hormonal balance goes haywire, your body starts suffering too. Getting a sound and adequate sleep every night will keep your hormonal balance in check. And of course, the opposite, if you don’t pay attention to your sleep pattern.
Lack of proper sleep muddles with the body’s metabolism. It can increase the blood sugar level and make a person more prone to diabetes too. Therefore, make it a habit to sleep for a good 6 to 7 hours daily to keep your metabolic rate high.

7. Avoid sugary foods and drinks-
By now, we have sufficient scientific evidence on the fact the consuming too much sugar leads to obesity. Sodas are rich in artificial sweeteners. Researchers have shown that drinking sodas disrupts healthy metabolism in the body and can make people feel hungrier. And yes! Diet sodas are included in this too.

Overconsumption of sugar not only disturbs metabolism but can also lead to a lot of metabolic as well as endocrine disorders such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. So, get some control over your sweet tooth, and cut back on sugar for good!

8. Stay away from alcohol-
Heard of beer belly? Exactly! When your body is given the task to break down alcohol, it focuses all its attention on alcohol only. Other foods that you have eaten along with it get ignored! And this whole cycle wreaks havoc on your metabolism.

Now, I am not suggesting that you quit alcohol altogether, a single occasional drink didn’t harm no one! But make sure you control it and not the other way round. Also, eating heavy, fried snacks with alcohol is big NO!

alchohol harms metabolism

9. Eat frequent meals-
We are talking about burning calories here, so why eat more? Actually, it is quite the opposite. When you starve your body, it turns its defence mode on. Food is the fuel for your body. So, when you eat after a very long time, your body instead of breaking it down completely, it will start saving it up in the form of fat to have a backup energy source, because you’re not feeding your body on time. And this way you end with a slower metabolism and a big fat belly.

That is why you need to eat at least three meals a day, balanced meals, to keep your metabolic system charged up and function properly. Now don’t start eating chips and cookies. Eat healthily!

10. Green Tea is your friend, not foe –
Yes, you read it right. No matter how bad this drink may taste, it has some amazing benefits for the body. Green tea is known to help in weight loss.

There are plenty of studies that suggest that drinking green tea before exercise can burn approximately 17% more calories than usual. Amazing, right? And this is because green tea is rich in antioxidants. So not only will you end up looking younger with a clean internal system, but your calorie burning rate will be much higher than others. So go on, brew some!

We all desire to have fit bodies. And in the current times, where every other person suffers from some of the diseases, staying fit and healthy has become an even more cardinal aspect of life. But, it requires some efforts. You need to follow a routine and discipline yourself for your good. So, indulge in some self TLC and look after yourself better to have a healthier and happier life!

Also check our another life changing post to be fit – Click Here.

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